Connecting The Livestock Value Chain

Athian's cloud-based platform benchmarks, verifies, and monetizes on-farm GHG reductions – providing access to credible Scope 3 assets and the incentives required to make lasting change.


How It Works

Launch Interventions

Producers select a science-backed, validated intervention to implement on-farm and keep track of their progress with Athian.

Verify Results

An accredited, third-party auditor reviews the results of each intervention to ensure protocol compliance, data accuracy, and precise quantification.

Realize Goals

Certified carbon assets are sold on our marketplace, enabling organizations to reach Scope 3 reduction targets and compensating producers for their efforts.


Monetize Your Sustainability Efforts

Whether you're looking to adopt new sustainable practices or have already implemented some, we want to help turn your commitment into a financial opportunity. Our platform provides the tools you need to benchmark your operation's emissions, assess the reduction potential of new interventions, and monetize the results generated by your efforts.

Intervention Comparison

Estimate the results and choose an intervention that works for your operation

Step By Step Support

Take the guesswork out of implementation with straightforward guidance

Simplified Data Collection

Connect existing on-farm systems and spend less time entering data
Collage highlighting key features of Athian's intervention platform - comparing two potential interventions by estimating their reduction and revenue potential
Collage highlighting key features of Athian's digital verification process - report automation and recording audit findings

Digitize The Verification Process

Say goodbye to the complexities of traditional, analog verification and significantly enhance your workflow with powerful automation tools. Our platform centralizes project management, helping you to manage more projects with precision and speed while maintaining the highest compliance standards.

Simplified Data Analysis

Streamline the auditing process with access to collated data

Automated Report Generation

Create comprehensive, compliant reports with the click of a button

Consistent, Repeatable Processes

Leverage validated methodologies and standardized programs to scale with confidence

Reach Your Sustainability Goals

Meeting your Scope 3 emission targets has never been easier! Our platform provides you with a reliable source of credible, high-quality credits from producers within your supply chain. With enhanced traceability, you can monitor emissions progress and share results directly with stakeholders. Your investment fosters sustainable practices that create lasting change.

Defensible, Verified Carbon Assets

Reach your sustainability goals with quality Scope 3 assets

Reductions Within Your Supply Chain

Tap into opportunities from producers in your supply shed

Aggregated Data for Reporting

Track results and easily share them with stakeholders
Collage highlighting key features of Athian's marketplace - selling inset assets and tracking progress towards scope 3 emissions goals

Ready to get started?